About the founder

I’m Krupali, the founder of cobeat, encouraging you to live holistically and encouraging you to enjoy movement together in a shared space.

My journey: from passion to purpose

With a background in science and mathematics; having graduated in Chemical Engineering and embarked on a career in Finance, my path even a year ago looked very different. I had however always been drawn back to dance, a passion I had since childhood. From starting to regularly teach Bollywood classes in 2022 I then made the bold decision to follow my gut and establish cobeat, where I was hoping to fuse my background with my dedication to this art form and this community.

I developed an early fascination and love for dance and began training from a very young age; starting with ballet, tap and jazz. I adored Bollywood films and would watch the music videos on repeat (rewinding and forwarding the video cassettes as many times as I could until it would eventually get too damaged to play). However with very few classes in my neighbourhood I started my Bollywood dance journey in my early teens, travelling for at least an hour each way after school just to get to class.

I later joined a Dance Company and danced professionally for over a decade and had several incredible performance opportunities; large events on world-renowned stages as well as being part of several music videos and an A-list film.

However, it was when I started teaching that my life changed. Not only did I get to choreograph (which I absolutely loved) but I got the opportunity to teach others and welcome people into the small space I had created. In that first class there was a feeling of togetherness, warmth and joy in the room that I’ll never forget. From then on, I knew I wanted to teach more and for more people to feel the way I did in class… so I created cobeat.

Having grown up in London, but with such a strong connection to my Indian roots, I have designed classes and choreographies which embody this sentiment. You will experience a fusion of different styles in classes and a mix of songs; some classic and some more contemporary.

More than a business: a personal commitment

For me, cobeat is more than just a business venture; it’s a personal commitment to encourage everyone that comes to class to live holistically and give care to the mind, body and soul. It is a commitment to self-express and to encourage confidence through dance and movement. It is a commitment to create unique spaces for people to connect and socialise.

Join us

I invite you to join one of our classes and feel the energy that is so difficult for me to describe in just a few words. Let’s make room for more joy in our lives.


Founder, cobeat

Founder of bollywood dance company in London.